Forest Mist

Extreme weather patterns can cause a lot of damage to a community. This is because these events are not only destructive but also unpredictable. Within this topic, climate change is a significant factor for the occurrences of these disasters. Climate change is the change of the earths average surface temperature due to excessive greenhouse gas emission from industry, power plants, and cars. Changes in the earth’s weather patterns because of climate change can trigger extreme weather patterns such as hurricanes, rapid temperature changes, and more. These disasters affect the food supply, water supply, and air quality.

Extreme Weather Patterns Are Often Due to the Effects of Climate Change

Result of Hurricane Irma

Extreme Weather Due to Global Warming

I’m sure you’ve seen the news broadcasts it has caused damage all around the world in the past 10 years. One major example of extreme weather in the past 20 years is in New Orleans. Hurricane Katrina in 2005 breached the levees in New Orleans. Levels of moisture in the atmosphere are expected to increase with climate change, causing more extreme weather in the future.

Extreme weather events such as hurricanes and rapid temperature changes have affected the food and water supply, and air quality. The effect of these events will continue to grow due to climate change and the effects of extreme weather events will continue to worsen.

Droughts Are More Likely to Occur in the Coming Years

Extreme weather is never welcome or easy to deal with. It’s difficult enough when dry spells happen, but now reports warn that they’re more likely to happen in the coming years. When water levels are low, droughts can sometimes be eased with sandbags.

Mukch for Your Garden

Mulch materials that are chunky and sturdy, such as gravel or large bark, are best for typical landscaping throughout shrub areas and trees, as well as pathways. To add much-needed nutrients to your grassed areas, use organic mulch…read more

Studies have found that the reason for this is that climate change caused dry spells to occur three times more often in recent years. Climate change is then said to be the main reason that droughts are becoming more severe.

What Are the Main Influencing Factors for Weather Conditions?

The greenhouse effect itself is a complex system. In short, the greenhouse effect is from non-atmospheric gases that trap outgoing longwave radiation from the Earth’s surface. Greenhouse gases that do this are carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, and water vapor.

These gases either come from natural sources, such as water evaporation and decomposition, or from manmade sources, such as car emissions. The main components of the greenhouse effect are carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, water vapor, and methane.

Experts are now saying that global warming is to blame for the recent increase in severe droughts. Coincidentally, it has been said that climate change will cause severe droughts three times more often than it had already. And with climate change, severe heat waves-the type where the heat index is over 95°F- will also become more likely, and the same goes for extreme cold snaps.

Weather changes are causing many of us to enter uncharted territory. That’s what’s making us nervous about what the future of extreme weather will be like.

Wildfires Are More Common

Do we just continue to fight the wildfires every year, and hope for the best?

This year, the United States has seen one of its largest wildfire outbreaks in the last 50 years. What does this say about our future? The summer’s wildfire season is not over yet. Our area has been blanketed by heavy ash, and we’ve learned that danger can be experienced all year round. We need to end the cycle and do more to protect the planet.

The scorching summer has been filled with one shocking story after another. More record-breaking temperatures. Some saw temperatures hover around 120-degrees, and 100-degree-plus temperatures were also experienced.

Typhoons Are Getting Much More Intense

A decade ago, the intensity of typhoons across the world has drastically increased. The Hong Kong Observatory has recently found that typhoons in the Pacific and Indian Ocean have intensified by about 5% every decade. It is a devastating trend that is showing a brighter outlook in a civilization that is quickly approaching a future that is going to need to be powered by solar.

Climate change is a powerful force that is going to have an effect on climates worldwide.

There is evidence that climate change is what has caused the extreme weather we are experiencing now. Hurricanes, floods, and droughts are all because of climate change. It changes the weather dramatically.

Monsoons and Heavy Rains Are Increasing around the World

Expectations are that the frequency of heavy rainfall will be increasing in most locations with dry subtropical climates.

What Kitchen Garden

As the name suggests, a kitchen garden is a garden that is typically located directly outside of a kitchen. Even though you may want to grow enough food to last a year, contemporary kitchen gardens are built with easy planting and harvesting in mind…read more

Studies have shown that the frequency of heavy rainfall events will increase in most locations with dry subtropical climates.

Extreme rainfall events have dumped rain on the soil, which has potential to mobilize toxic emission, increase the emission of methane, contribute to agricultural yield losses, and increase seasonal flooding impacts.

Temperatures Are Increasing on Land

All of us will be talking about it sooner or later: climate change and the ozone layer. You might be surprised to learn that climate change and the ozone layer are linked, and both will have significant impacts on the Earth.

Climate change is likely to have significant impacts on the Earth’s atmosphere, including changes in Earth’s ozone layer. The ozone layer is at risk for warming because it is very sensitive to heat. The heat trapping gases in the atmosphere are absorbing heat that would normally escape into space, and this heat is then getting into the atmosphere.

Temperature Is Showing a Decrease in Oceans

The Gulf of Maine is the first ocean to see a major change in temperature. Until recently, the Gulf of Maine was becoming warmer and warmer, but now it is becoming colder and colder. The Gulf of Maine has been gradually cooling over the last few years, and it’s finally visible with data from buoys. The temperature decreases have been most significant in the winter months.

Scientists have attributed this to a decrease in the number of hurricanes and tropical storms, which have been more frequent recently. In contrast to the Gulf of Maine, the North Atlantic is warming. The North Atlantic is warming at a faster rate than the rest of the world’s oceans and is a major contributor to global warming.

Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge

Extreme weather is something that humankind has dealt with for centuries, but with climate change comes more frequent and intense weather events. A defining example is the increase in storm intensity and frequency, with the United States averaging more than twice as many extreme weather events per year than they did in the 50s.

Of these incidents, the most devastating is the storm surge. Storm surge is defined as an abnormally large wave that builds up on shore, caused by windward forces on the water, low atmospheric pressure over land, and offshore winds. It can cause flooding, power outages, and disruption of infrastructure, as well as destroying homes and businesses.

Winds Are Increasing in Strength

Winds Due to global warming, winds have become stronger and more unpredictable. A common consequence of this is increased storm power. This increased storm power leads to more extreme weather conditions, such as rising sea levels and increasing risk of flooding.

Rising sea levels and increased risk of flooding leads to more major potential disasters and fatalities. It also leads to more anxiety and stress, especially for those who live in coastal areas where the potential for flooding is greater.

Impacts and Predictions

Although it is difficult to definitively say that global warming is the cause of the abrupt changes, we see in the world’s weather patterns, many scientists agree that it is a significant contributor. Global warming is a phenomenon where the planet’s climate is becoming warmer.

This causes a feedback loop where there is increased carbon dioxide and methane release, which causes the planet to keep more heat, which causes more global warming. This phenomenon has been accelerating since the 20th century. In the past year, we have seen extreme weather events such as Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma.

  • Experts are now blaming global warming for the recent increase in severe droughts.
  • This year has seen one of the most severe wildfire outbreaks in the United States in the last 50 years.
  • Coincidentally, it has been predicted that climate change will increase the frequency of severe droughts threefold.
  • Climate change is expected to raise moisture levels in the atmosphere, resulting in more extreme weather in the future.
  • Changes in the earth’s weather patterns caused by climate change can result in extreme weather events such as hurricanes, rapid temperature changes, and more.

These storms caused severe consequences and high-impact human and economic losses. One of the consequences of these storms is that there was a significant rise in sea level and later flooding.
More research needs to be done to understand the impacts of extreme weather events on the environment.

Climate change is impacting on all of us on earth. Changes in the weather will inevitably affect food production on the planet, which means that some people will become malnourished or starve.

The weather decides much of our day, but more so our moods. Many are not aware of the extreme weather conditions worldwide due to climate change.


Climate change is the change in the average surface temperature of the Earth caused by excessive greenhouse gas emissions from industry, power plants, and automobiles. Climate change can cause changes in the earth’s weather patterns, which can lead to extreme weather events such as hurricanes and rapid temperature changes. These disasters have an impact on the food supply, the water supply, and the air quality. The United States has experienced one of its most severe wildfire outbreaks in the last 50 years. The intensity of typhoons around the world has increased dramatically in the last decade. According to the Hong Kong Observatory, typhoons in the Pacific and Indian Oceans have intensified by about 5% every decade.

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