Forest Mist

If you have read anything about global warming. Even if it was just a single comment on an article online. You have probably heard that our planet is getting warmer. For years we have been told we are all contributing to the problem. This is true, and most climate scientists are in agreement that the earth is warming. And the problem is getting progressively worse. As this problem escalates, it is now a problem that we should all be concerned about.

8 Reasons You Should Be Concerned About Global Warming

Table of Content

1. Hurricanes Will Get Stronger
2. Weather Extremes Will Increase
3. Heat-Related Illnesses Are On The Rise
4. Coral Reefs And Sea Life Will Die Off
5. Food And Water Shortages Will Become Commonplace
6. Disease Carrying Mosquitoes Will Move Inland
7. Reliability Of Energy Resources Is Going To Be Affected
8. Air Pollution Will Increase, Especially In Cities


Global Warming Is Happening Right Now

Global warming is the greatest problem facing humanity. It is happening right now and will get worse in the future. But there are measures we can take to help curb climate change.

First, we need to understand what global warming is and how it affects our planet. Global warming refers to a rise in the average temperature of Planet Earth’s surface.

This increase in temperature is caused by an increase in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Greenhouse gases trap heat inside our atmosphere, which keeps our planet warm enough for life to exist on its surface.

Yet when these gases are released into the air, they block some of the sun’s heat from escaping back into space. This is trapping more heat near the surface. The result: rising temperatures around the globe.

Scientists believe that humans have been causing this problem since the Industrial Revolution began 200 years ago and began burning fossil fuels at an unprecedented rate.

Fossil fuels like coal and oil contain carbon that was buried underground for millions of years by natural processes. These include decomposition or chemical reactions with water and oxygen in plant matter.

Since then, more than half of all fossil fuel reserves have been burned up by humans. And that’s releasing massive amounts of greenhouse gases into our atmosphere at an unprecedented rate.

Hurricanes Will Get Stronger

For centuries, hurricanes were the same. They formed over tropical waters, gained strength and once their peak intensity was reached, they then slowly crept over land.

But things have changed. Hurricanes are getting stronger and causing more damage and deaths. What’s going on?

The answer is that climate change is making it easier for hurricanes to form and become stronger. While hurricanes have always been a part of life on Earth, they are now occurring more frequently because of global warming.

In fact, there have been more major hurricanes (Category 3 or higher) in the Atlantic Ocean since 1995 than in the previous 100 years combined. And the number of Category 4 and 5 storms has also increased dramatically since 1995 — particularly since 2005.

It’s important to understand that climate change doesn’t cause hurricanes — it makes them worse by allowing them to reach higher speeds and grow larger before hitting land or another storm front or high-pressure system.

Researchers have found that the maximum wind speed in a hurricane increases by up to 10% every time the sea surface temperature rises by 1°C. And as temperatures continue to rise due to climate change, hurricanes could become more frequent and intense.

Weather Extremes Will Increase

Extreme weather events will more frequently change our lives. Destroying our homes, and businesses, and killing many humans, plants, and animals.

The hottest and coldest weather we have ever seen could become the average weather in the next few decades. This is especially true of extreme heat and extreme cold as well.

The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), released last week, is unequivocal: Global warming is real and it’s happening now.

While the IPCC report focused on climate change, it also included an assessment of the state of our current knowledge about how climate change is impacting extreme events like droughts, floods and heat waves.

The findings were alarming: “Warming of the climate system is unequivocal,” according to the IPCC report. The evidence for this statement comes from observing changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, sea level rise and more across different regions of the planet over several decades.

It turns out that many of these changes are due to increases in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide that are emitted when we burn fossil fuels such as coal or oil for energy or transportation purposes.

These increases cause changes in how much sunlight reaches Earth’s surface. Just how much water evaporates from land surfaces like forests or wetlands. And how much water falls as rain or snow and how quickly winds blow across continents.

A study suggests that we could see more extreme weather events in the future due to changes in the sun’s brightness over thousands of years. It also finds that we could see more droughts at low latitudes around the world.

When the temperatures rise, so do the number of heat-related illnesses. When you think of summertime and beach vacations, you probably think of fun and relaxation.

But when the temperature climbs above 90 degrees, it’s important to be aware of the dangers of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Heat exhaustion occurs when your body loses more water than is being taken in through drinking or sweating. The symptoms include heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting. Heat exhaustion can be treated by drinking lots of fluids (non-alcoholic).

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Heat stroke is much more serious than heat exhaustion. It occurs when you fail to sweat enough to cool yourself down during hot weather activities like running or hiking. Heat stroke typically occurs when your body temperature rises above 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees C).

Symptoms include confusion, lack of sweating (dry skin), high fever (above 103 F/39 C), rapid heartbeat and breathing rate and a stiff neck with muscle spasms in arms and legs. If you suspect someone has heat stroke call the emergency services immediately!

Coral Reefs And Sea Life Will Die Off

Coral reefs are some of the most beautiful ecosystems in the world. They’re also extremely important too, as they act as ecosystems for thousands of marine species.

However, coral reefs around the world are dying off at an alarming rate. If things don’t change soon, we may see a catastrophic loss of coral reef systems and all the sea life that depends on them.

Coral reefs are home to an estimated 25% of all marine species and provide food and shelter for millions more. They are also one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems on Earth, with over 4,000 species living within them.

Coral reefs also protect shorelines from erosion caused by waves and storms and provide protection during storms by absorbing energy like a sponge during storms.

Unfortunately, coral reefs around the world are being destroyed due to climate change and pollution.

Global warming is causing ocean temperatures to rise at an alarming rate, which is causing massive bleaching events that kill off large amounts of coral.

These bleaching events also cause stress in adult corals who can die off if they aren’t given enough time to recover after bleaching events occur.

Food And Water Shortages Will Become Commonplace

There is some debate over whether global warming is a natural phenomenon, or not. But what cannot be denied is the fact that the average temperature around the globe is increasing.

And this can only mean one thing: It’s going to get more expensive to feed ourselves and our families.

The world has been getting warmer since the beginning of time, but recently, there has been an alarming spike in the earth’s temperature. This has led scientists to believe that we are on track for an unprecedented “hothouse earth” scenario.

A study conducted by researchers at Stanford University found that even if all greenhouse gas emissions were halted within just ten years, we would still experience irreversible climate change for thousands of years to come.

The study suggests it will take up to 11,000 years for Earth’s climate system to return to its pre-industrial state even if we stop emitting greenhouse gases immediately today. That’s more than twice as long as previously thought.

Crop yields around the world have already begun to decline due to climate change and other environmental factors like pollution and overpopulation — which means more people are competing for fewer resources like food and water every day.

The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that by 2050, for example, global food production will need to increase by 70% just to meet the projected growth in our population.

And those numbers are based on current climate conditions — they don’t consider how much hotter it will be by then.

This means that we’re going to have to spend more money on food to keep feeding our families healthy meals. And if you’re already struggling with your financial situation, this could be devastating news for you.

Disease Carrying Mosquitoes Will Move Inland

As the weather gets warmer and the seasons change, we all must be prepared for some changes in our environment. And one of those changes is that mosquitoes will be moving into your area.

If you’re concerned about mosquitoes carrying disease and moving into your area, be prepared. In fact, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that due to global warming, “the range of most mosquito species is likely to continue to grow.”

So, what can you do? Here are some tips from the experts:

Make sure there aren’t any standing pools of water on your property so mosquitoes can breed there. The CDC recommends keeping gutters free of debris and weeds.

Repair any broken tiles in roofs and walls that may allow water to collect inside them. Use fans instead of air conditioners when possible so that windows remain open during cooler parts of the day.

Keeping rain barrels empty after storms (if you have them) so they don’t collect water where mosquitoes might breed.

Finally, make sure that any type of containers or buckets are also emptied after rainstorms if they’re not going to be used right away or have something in them that needs storing long term.

As temperatures rise due to climate change, more mosquitoes will likely survive in warmer climates than they normally would. As temperatures continue to rise around the world, we can expect more mosquito-borne illnesses like the Zika virus and West Nile virus (WNV).

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that as temperatures increase by one degree Celsius (1°C), there is a 12% increase in WNV cases nationwide per year.

Reliability Of Energy Resources Is Going To Be Affected

The unreliability of our energy resources is starting to become more evident. This unreliability is due to a few factors such as global warming concerns, and increasing corruption.

And also the side effects of many new renewable energy sources on the electrical grid.

The biggest issue is that many new renewable energy sources are coming online. These new sources have side effects that we did not foresee when they first came online.

For example, wind turbine farms create noise pollution, and they also kill birds in large numbers every year. Solar panel farms disrupt radio frequencies, and they also require large amounts of land which could be put to better use for other purposes like farming or housing development.

The Temperature Rise And Climate Change

You don’t have to be a climate scientist to know that higher temperatures are contributing to severe weather, spreading disease, and displacing people…read more

Another problem with many renewable energy sources is that they can be very expensive, in some cases twice as expensive as fossil fuels or nuclear power plants.

Also, many renewable energy projects are subsidised by taxpayers. This means that their costs may go up significantly once those subsidies go away or get reduced for one reason or another.

We’ve also seen an increase in corruption within various government agencies throughout the world during the last few decades. This has led to less reliable policies regarding our energy resources, especially regarding fossil fuels and nuclear power plants.

Air Pollution Will Increase, Especially In Cities

Air pollution presents us with a huge problem, especially in big cities. And it’s only getting worse by the year. The World Health Organisation estimates that over three million deaths every year are linked to air pollution.

More recently, a study conducted by the United Nations Environmental Project has found that some regions are experiencing increased levels of air pollution.

These increases are attributed to climate change, which can cause extreme weather patterns like droughts and floods.

The study also found that more than half of the world’s population lives in areas where air quality levels exceed WHO limits. And this number will likely increase if nothing is done to curb climate change.

Air pollution is caused by many different factors including transportation emissions, industrial emissions, and power plants burning fossil fuels like coal or natural gas.

All of these sources release harmful gases into the atmosphere such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), ozone (O3), sulphur oxides (SOx) and particulate matter (PM). These gases have been linked to lung cancer, respiratory disease, and heart disease among other health problems.

Global warming will have a lot of negative effects on our world that we need to address now.

Global warming is becoming quite a hot topic, people are suddenly concerned about the ways we affect our environment and want to know what they can do.

A lot of people do not realise that global warming is a real thing and that it does affect our world in more ways than one. Global warming will have a lot of negative effects on our world that we need to address now.

There are many things that we can do as individuals to help prevent these problems from getting worse, but first, we need to understand what exactly global warming is and what causes it.

Global warming is the increase in Earth’s average surface temperature due to greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). These gases act like an insulating blanket around the planet, trapping heat within our atmosphere.

As more of these gases are released into the atmosphere, this blanket becomes thicker and traps more heat. This causes temperatures to rise on Earth’s surface which makes it harder for us humans to live here comfortably.

Several factors contribute to global warming such as fossil fuel burning, deforestation, population growth and industrialisation. But the main contributor is greenhouse gas emissions mainly CO2 coming from fossil fuel burning.

The greenhouse effect keeps the Earth’s temperature relatively stable by allowing a portion of the Sun’s radiation to pass through the atmosphere and warm the ground below.

Without this natural phenomenon, Earth would be too cold to sustain life as we know it.

The greenhouse effect is an important part of our planet’s natural regulatory system; without it, temperatures would vary wildly from day to night and season to season.

However, over time human activities have increased the number of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, resulting in higher temperatures than those seen in centuries past.


Global warming is an issue we need to address before it gets out of hand. Several calculations and theories are showing just how drastic the effects will be if nothing is done to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

While science can never say for sure, it is safe to say that global warming will have some sort of negative effect on our daily lives.

Many experts believe that global warming will lead to more severe weather, droughts that can last for decades, and changes in sea levels that could flood coastal regions.

One of the simplest things you can do is to reduce your own carbon footprint. With more people doing so, we might solve a significant portion of the problem.

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