Forest Mist

Waste is a big problem, and the causes of pollution are not hard to find. Pollution stems from sources such as human waste, industrial waste, household waste, mining waste and chemical waste. All these forms of waste can be found in some form or another in water or land.

Some of the Most Common Causes of Pollution on Planet Earth

Polluted Beach

Why Pollution Is Caused by Humans

The causes of pollution are very common and it’s usually our fault. Yes, this is a given, but the reality is we are the cause.

Every year, people and industries produce billions of pounds of waste. All this ends up being discharged directly into the air, soil, or water.

This can result in many detrimental health effects. And the result is that animal deaths caused by water pollution are now more common.

So, why are we humans such big causes of pollution?

This might be the first question that comes to your mind, and you can’t be blamed for thinking that way. After all, there are so many stories running in the news these days about people contaminating the environment.

This is only natural when you think about it. Yes, we humans, have been making careless mistakes over the years and it is time we put an end to that.

But we aren’t the only causes of pollution. There are other reasons why our home planet has become the victim of pollution too.

But have you heard that there are other threats to our oceans, rivers, and lakes?

These threats are due to natural causes and consists of nutrients in our soil that are washed into the water by rain. That’s right, human beings are not the only reason for water pollution.

These nutrients cause excessive growth of algae, which in turn produce a toxin called microcystin. Microcystin can kill marine life, as well as birds who feed on fish.

It can also cause gastroenteritis – an inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Symptoms such as vomiting, and diarrhoea can follow exposure to microcystin-contaminated water.

While it is true that humans are primarily responsible for the pollution of our environment, we must also remember that other living beings contribute to the problem.

What Is the Most Common Cause of Pollution?

One of the most common causes of pollution is plastics and other non-biodegradable materials.

Have you ever thought about where your plastic ended up after it was disposed of? It’s catastrophic to think that all our trash is just thrown away with no regard for the environment.

Were all guilty of using harmful materials like Plastic. But these could end up destroying the world in the future if we don’t change our lifestyles today.

A lot of people don’t realise just how much damage is caused by plastic and other non-biodegradable materials.

If you think about it, most plastic waste can end up in the ocean where they can turn into something known as microplastics. These are pieces of plastic are largely invisible to the naked eye.

This type of pollution is incredibly hard to get rid of and will remain in our oceans for years to come.

What Can We Do to Reduce the Use of Plastic?

There are numerous ways we can help reduce the amount of plastic being used so tremendously. We can reduce our consumption of plastic bags, we can stop using straws, and we can convince our friends, family, and co-workers to do the same. Perhaps one day, factory pollution will be a thing of the past.

It is not a problem that is going to go away easily, for several reasons.

Firstly, the production of plastic does not follow a single method. It utilises a wide range of chemical processes. Some of these are more sustainable than others (and some downright harmful).

Secondly, we cannot do without plastic entirely: it has made our lives easier in many ways.

Have a look around your house, and most likely you will find plastic.

It is relatively cheap and easy to make. Of course, this results in it being very commonly used.

However, those plastic items that we use every day can cause serious problems for our environment and for us.

But combating the build-up of microplastics really starts with recognising the problem – ignoring them doesn’t make them go away. We need to:

  • Reduce, reuse, recycle!
  • Commit to a cleaner eco-system
  • Slow down and stop using plastic
  • Use alternative biodegradable materials instead

Uncontrolled Factory Waste

Have you ever thought about the environment? I mean where do you even begin right? I guess it all starts at home. But then your home is probably just as bad if not worse!

So, what’s a guy to do. Here is one topic that might make you think…uncontrolled factory waste.

Yeah, I know there are several ways our environment can be polluted. But another common culprit is uncontrolled factory waste.

Although we are bombarded with information about pollution every day, most of us do not consider that factories can cause a part of these pollution problems.

This is exceptionally true when it comes to excessive waste. If a person doesn’t live near factories, they are usually unaware of how they may be affected by the pollution emitted by these facilities.

Before the industrial revolution, there was no such thing as pollution. In fact, until about 100 years ago, there was very little if any pollution.

Although many people like to believe that there wasn’t any sort of negative environmental impact from modern industrialisation. However, in truth there have been some very serious environmental consequences.

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Basically, before the industrial revolution, there was no need for laws or regulations regarding pollution because there really wasn’t anything to pollute.

About a century before pollution even started showing up as a problem in this country (and in other countries), not too many people lived in large towns and cities.

It’s important to keep factories from polluting the land and water supply. So, while this might not be an easy task, it’s one that we should all work to accomplish.

The environment is something precious and valuable, and we should do everything we can to keep it healthy.

The companies that cause these problems should be responsible for paying for them as well. Even if they don’t expect the environmental consequences of their actions.

They need to recognise this responsibility fully, and make sure that they keep factory waste under control.

Household Waste as a Pollution

Household waste is one of the major causes of pollution and it contributes to many greenhouse gas emissions. Still, many people do not take this problem seriously.

In fact, they think that their own small contribution cannot harm the environment.

However, when we add all these “little” negative impacts together, they accumulate in huge volume of the total waste material and make a significant effect on our planet.

Understanding how much you are throwing away, and what you are throwing away, is a great way to make sure you’re recycling in the most effective way.

This can also help you make better choices about what sort of lifestyle you live. While helping you tackle some of your larger carbon emissions.

Approximately one third of the waste that ends up in landfills is food waste.

This waste could instead be used for composting. That’s an activity that releases valuable nutrients for crops and sequester carbon emissions.

One of the reasons why household waste has become such a dangerous problem is because people just aren’t aware of the damage it causes.

This is understandable since we’re all so accustomed to throwing garbage into the trash and forgetting about it for a few days. But if you ever do find yourself looking around your house for something to throw away, take a moment to really think about whether you must get rid of it.

If you don’t need it and you don’t want it anymore, then don’t throw it away—give it away.

Trash only sticks around in landfills because people don’t think to donate their leftover items to charities or friends and family that could use them.

If you can save your trash from ending up in a landfill, you can help save Planet Earth. Remember:

  • Lots of things we use daily could be recycled
  • It contributes to major greenhouse gas emissions
  • Think about the future for you and for your kids!
  • Household waste is one of the major causes of pollution
  • Recycling is a good way to contribute to reducing household waste

Is Your Water Polluted?

When we talk about drinking water, we mostly think about healthy and safe to drink.

But indeed, there is another issue that goes along with this is water pollution. This refers to the contamination of water by unwanted elements such as chemicals, bacteria, solid waste and other impurities.

If you are concerned about the quality of your drinking water than the first thing you should do is find out whether it is polluted or not.

If you live in a big city, water pollution can be difficult to avoid. Busy streets and industrial factories produce a lot of pollutants which eventually find their way into the water supply. Which then comes out as tap water.

As Planet Earth’s population continues to increase, so does the amount of pollution every year.

The effects of all this pollution on our planet is vast, but water pollution is by far some of the most dangerous for humans.

Drinking polluted water can be very dangerous and even fatal to humans through the build-up of toxins in the body which most can’t even see.

How Do You Feel about the Water in Your City?

Have you ever wondered what’s in your water? Part of the problem is that many cities don’t test the water regularly for contaminants. But let’s face it, even well-managed city water systems have issues, and people can’t easily detect the presence of chemicals and bacteria.

This problem is rising with each passing day because more and more people are moving to cities. And you may not even know if the water you drink is polluted or not.

Contaminants in water find their way into the water system through many ways. Water contamination is not a new problem but is continually occurring as there are always situations that cause new pollutions.

Safe drinking water starts at home where you have control over the quality of your water source.

Naturally, your home wants to be a haven of clean and pure water.

Installing a water filtration system is the best way to make sure you are consuming only the cleanest, most drinkable, and good tasting water possible.

They may be an important investment for you and your family. The top reason to install one is simply to ensure your health.

Drinking cleanly filtered water can help prevent several diseases, not the least of which are urinary tract and bladder infections.

What Can We Do to Reduce Pollution?

Pollution is by way of an introduction of contaminants that cause harmful changes. There are many causes of pollution, but the main ones can be broken down into two types: Man-made and Natural.

Some would say that pollution has existed since Cain and Abel, but many of us don’t realise how pollution is affecting our world.

There is a half dozen types of pollution threatening the planet and its inhabitants. Starting with ground water, surface water, soil, flora and fauna, air, and noise.

Reducing pollution on a large scale is obviously urgent and important to the health and safety of people.

But at the same time, it is hard to even imagine what such an undertaking might look like.

How can we reduce pollution? Between the excess carbon dioxide in our atmosphere that has come from fossil fuel-burning industrial enterprises. And don’t forget plastic invading all corners of our oceans.

It might seem impossible to cope with pollution on a grand scale. But we can try.

You can begin by learning how to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Reducing the amount of products you buy. You can reuse items instead of throwing them away. And of course, recycle when you can instead of sending waste to a landfill.

In the end, no single factor is going to reduce pollution on a large scale. We need to reach out and save our planet one bit at a time.

Even if you can’t make an obvious change, your efforts matter in the bigger picture. To set up sustainable ways of living and consuming resources, everyone must take part.

Whether it’s taking local transportation or recycling when possible, your actions matter.

While we might not be able to stop pollution on its source, we can all do our part to do what’s right for ourselves and our environment.

Our waste is a threat to all living things. From our food and water to the air we breathe the causes of pollution can affect us all, stop now.

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