Forest Mist

Climate change is a reality. The earth is getting warmer, and humans are contributing to this increase in temperatures. Effects include the melting of glaciers, the rise in sea levels, and shifting of ocean currents. One major thing that this warmer climate has led to is the melting of sea ice. It’s an alarming reality, but there are things we can do to stop it!

Disappearing Sea Ice and Its Impact on The Environment


Why Is Sea Ice Important?

Sea ice is frozen seawater that floats on the ocean’s surface. It forms and melts in the polar regions, and it’s a major component of Earth’s climate system.

Sea ice has many different functions. It reflects sunlight, which keeps our planet cooler by reducing the amount of heat absorbed by the oceans.

It also provides a habitat for marine life, including zooplankton, fish, and mammals.

As we all know, Planet Earth’s climate is changing, and global temperatures have risen by about 1° since pre-industrial times.

Because of this, the extent of sea ice in both the Arctic and the Antarctic is shrinking rapidly.

In fact, according to a study published in Nature Climate Change, since 1979, when satellite data became available, there has been a decline of about 4% per decade in summertime Arctic sea ice cover.

The sea ice has been disappearing at an alarming rate over the last few decades — especially in the Arctic Ocean — and scientists are trying to understand why this happens and what it means for us all.

This decline is likely because of climate change caused by human activities, including the burning of fossil fuels that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (carbon dioxide).

Losing ice covers a wide range of environmental and economic concerns.

But the most immediate concern is the impact on animals that rely on it for survival — not just polar bears, but also endangered whales and other species that use Arctic waters to breed or feed.

Protecting The Arctic from Climate Change Is Critical

When you think about climate change, it’s easy to assume that most of the action is taking place in the world’s tropical or temperate zones.

But a growing body of evidence suggests that climate change is wreaking havoc with the Arctic — and this could prove disastrous for animals that rely on Arctic waters for survival.

The Arctic is a fragile place, and it’s one of the most important ecosystems on Earth.

It provides valuable resources to people around the world, including food, clean water, and shelter from the cold.

But climate change is threatening the Arctic, and if we don’t act now, we will suffer a wide range of consequences.

The Arctic continues warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet. This rapid warming has had serious impacts on wildlife habitats and native communities.

In some areas where sea ice melts earlier each year because of warmer ocean water or warmer air temperatures, there are fewer or no breeding grounds for marine mammals like walruses and polar bears — which means less food for them.

Many species may not be able to adapt quickly enough to keep up with these changes.

In other areas where there used to be summer ice cover year-round but now there’s only winter ice cover — which can lead to thinner ice that breaks up sooner.

The Arctic is home to Indigenous communities that have lived there for centuries but are now threatened by melting sea ice, rising temperatures and increased storm activity.

Melting Glaciers and Ice Caps Should Concern You

Ice sheets have been around for millions of years. However, now warming climates are causing these massive bodies of ice to melt – a process which threatens the natural balance of the earth.

Melting glaciers can increase sea levels at a global scale and showcase one of the many effects climate change has on the planet.

The world’s glaciers are melting faster than ever, according to a study published in Nature Geoscience.

The researchers found that since 1961, melting rates increased by an average of 0.6 meters per year.

And by 2100, they say, the world’s glaciers will contribute more than half of all sea level rise caused by climate change.

Glaciers are large bodies of ice that form over thousands or millions of years when snowfall accumulates and is compressed into ice through pressure and gravity.

They’re found in mountain ranges around the world; some extend down to sea level while others are located high in the mountains above Arctic tundra regions like Greenland or Antarctica.

In recent years, scientists have observed glacial retreat due to rising temperatures across these regions as well as in areas where glaciers have long been stable, such as Alaska and New Zealand.

These changes are happening at different times throughout the year depending on seasonality and local climate patterns.

For example, some glaciers melt during the summer months while others experience decreases in winter.

As glaciers melt, they can cause floods in surrounding areas by releasing water quickly into rivers and streams.

This sudden influx of water can cause flooding downstream as well as downstream erosion due to the force of moving water.

If you live near a glacier or stream that feeds directly into a major river system, you should be prepared for potential flooding caused by melting glaciers upstream.

Ice Melting Helps to Warm Planet Earth

Warm and sunny winters may sound like a dream come true, but as the ice melts, less sunlight is reflected into space.

This is problematic because Planet Earth’s land and oceans absorb light energy instead of bouncing it back into space.

Since this absorbed light gets converted to heat, rising global temperatures are the result.

As climate change continues to warm the planet, more ice will melt, which means less solar radiation will be reflected into space.

This in turn means that more solar radiation will be absorbed by Planet Earth, which further increases global temperatures.

Scientists have long understood the effect of melting ice on climate, but they didn’t know how much difference it would make to future warming.

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Now a new study shows that melting ice sheets and glaciers could double the amount of heat trapped in our atmosphere by the end of this century.

And that would be enough to tip us over the 2°C threshold for dangerous climate change.

The study shows that if we allow temperatures to increase beyond 2°C, we risk triggering some feedback that could push us far beyond our target, says the lead author.

The researchers used computer simulations to model different scenarios for how much ice might melt as temperatures rise over the coming decades.

They found that melting land-based ice could increase global surface air temperature by up to 1°C by 2100.

That would be on top of any other climate changes caused by CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.

Less Sea Ice Leads to More Greenhouse Gases

There is a scientific observation-based phenomenon where less sea ice leads to more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which contributes to global warming.

This phenomenon is observed regularly and is referred to as ice-albedo feedback.

As the sea ice in the Arctic region is becoming thinner every year, less of it is forming as well.

This warming trend has been occurring for a few decades now, but the trend has particularly accelerated since 2007.

Here’s what this means: Ice and snow are white surfaces that reflect solar radiation back into the atmosphere.

When you remove a lot of the sea ice, the ocean absorbs more solar radiation and more heat is transferred to the ocean, which can lead to further warming of both the air and water.

As the Earth warms up, more greenhouse gases are emitted, especially CO2. The process is a vicious cycle where less sea ice leads to more greenhouse gases and vice versa.

The more open water there is in the Arctic Ocean, the faster it can absorb heat from the sun and warm up.

That means that as there’s less sea ice in summer, there are more days where melting occurs and there’s more open water available for absorbing heat from the sun throughout the year.

But why does this matter? Sea ice reflects sunlight back out into space (cooling down our planet), whereas open water absorbs sunlight (warms up our planet).

When we lose sea ice, we lose an important cooling mechanism that keeps our planet liveable.

The Global Environmental Consequences of Arctic Sea Ice Melt

Melting sea ice from the Arctic affects environments in many different parts of the world.

For example, it can affect ocean circulation patterns and change wind patterns in the Northern Hemisphere.

This can lead to more extreme weather events like hurricanes and tornadoes in some places. It can also cause sea levels to rise.

As Arctic sea ice melts, it exposes more of the ocean surface, which absorbs more heat from sunlight than ice does. As a result, global warming speeds up even more.

This is why scientists are so concerned about climate change. They know that it will cause major problems for human health and well-being if we don’t take steps now to slow down our emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2).

Worldwide environmental problems include:

Warming oceans: As sea ice melts, it exposes more ocean that absorbs sunlight instead of reflecting it back into space.

This causes more heat to be trapped in the atmosphere and further warms the surface of our planet.

Sea level rise: Melting land ice flows into the ocean and causes sea levels to rise.

Rising sea levels can threaten coastal communities by increasing the risk of flooding at high tide and storm surge events, destroying homes, businesses, infrastructure, and farmland.

Greater storm intensity: Hurricanes become more intense as they move over warmer waters.

So as global temperatures increase due to greenhouse gases, hurricanes will become stronger and more intense over time.

The Arctic Ocean is home to many species that rely on sea ice for food or shelter.

The loss of sea ice makes it harder for these animals to survive and reproduce, which could affect the health of marine ecosystems.

The Arctic Is Shrinking and That Has a Global Impact

When polar temperatures are rising, it’s a sure sign that the world is beginning to heat up.

But in the Arctic region, temperatures are already warmer than almost everywhere else on earth. Ever since the 1990s, scientists have been monitoring this change and studying its causes.

The Arctic is shrinking as evidenced by the decline in sea ice cover. Since 1983, the extent of sea ice cover during the summer months has decreased by 12-15%.

The volume loss over the last two decades has been more significant, at two-thirds of the observed volume.

According to a study published in Science, this shrinkage could lead to a significant disruption of ocean circulation systems that transport heat within the Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern oceans.

The Arctic ice cap is melting at an alarming rate, and it’s having a big effect on the world’s climate.

The Polar Vortex is responsible for winter weather in the United States.

It’s a band of cold air that swirls around the North Pole. But when the Polar Vortex weakens or moves southward, it can cause frigid temperatures to spread across North America.

The Arctic affects our weather because of its sensitivity to warming trends.

The sea ice acts as a heat sink, absorbing heat from the sun during the summer months and releasing it back into the atmosphere during the winter months.

When there’s less ice, there’s less of a heat sink — so winter forecasts aren’t good news for anyone living in North America or Europe.

Disappearing sea ice is a real problem for our planet, and we can’t ignore it any longer.

The Arctic has been losing sea ice at an alarming rate. This year, the summer minimum was the fourth lowest on record.

Sea ice is disappearing because of global warming and it’s having a major effect on our planet.

Arctic sea ice acts like a natural air conditioner for our planet by reflecting sunlight back into space, cooling the planet and keeping us in balance with nature.

When sea ice disappears, more heat from the sun goes into our atmosphere instead of being reflected out into space, causing global warming to accelerate even more rapidly than it already is.

The disappearing sea ice also means that ocean water is exposed to sunlight that can absorb energy from the sun and heat up even more quickly than before.

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The result is rising temperatures around the globe that cause even more melting of glaciers and icebergs in the poles.

The loss of sea ice is affecting wildlife in many ways:

Polar bears must swim longer distances to find food because there is less time for hunting on land during summer months when they would normally be fasting before winter hibernation.

A female bear with two cubs spends an average of 10 days longer at sea each year due to disappearing summer sea ice in recent years compared to just a decade ago.

If this trend continues, scientists predict that by 2050, polar bears could become extinct in some areas due to the loss of habitat caused by global warming.


Global warming is changing the face of the planet and melting sea ice is one of the most noticeable changes that impact our environment and way of life.

We all know about climate change, but it can be hard to realise just how real a problem it is.

Polar bears looking for ice have no concept of the impact of greenhouse gasses on their environment.

The issue seems distant, intangible, and difficult to affect if you’re just one person.

But if we all work together, we can make a change in our everyday lives that will help our planet.

Let’s hope we can solve this, because it’s real, and it’s happening.

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