Forest Mist

The Earth’s atmosphere is getting warmer due to the unequal distribution of energy. Greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide act like a blanket trapping radiant heat. We need to take immediate steps to reduce global emissions if we want to slow down the pace at which our planet is warming.

Global Carbon Dioxide Concentrations Are Getting Higher

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Globally Carbon Dioxide Concentrations Are Increasing

Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Planet Earth’s climate system and has been demonstrated by direct temperature measurements and by measurements of various effects of the warming.

It is a major aspect of climate change which, in addition to rising global surface temperatures, also includes its effects, such as changes in precipitation. The largest human influence on global warming is the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane.

The primary greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases. These are released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned to generate energy when forests are cleared for farming or development and through certain industrial processes.

Globally, carbon dioxide concentrations are increasing. In fact, carbon dioxide concentrations have increased by about 40% since the Industrial Revolution. Since records began in the late 1950s at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, carbon dioxide has increased from about 315 parts per million (ppm) to more than 400 ppm today.

The impact of higher CO2 levels will be felt around the globe. Higher concentrations of CO2 reduce crop yields while also increasing weeds’ competitiveness, threatening food security. Rising temperatures and changes to rainfall patterns will decrease yields of staple crops such as maize and wheat by as much as 10 per cent and 5 per cent respectively by 2050.

Human Activities Are Largely Responsible For High CO2 Levels

The average global temperature is rising, and human activities are largely responsible for the high levels of CO2 that have caused this rise.

When people burn coal, oil, and natural gas, they increase the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in Earth’s atmosphere. This is a problem because CO2 traps heat. It causes Earth to get warmer.

At first, maybe this doesn’t sound like a big deal. After all, it does get cold in winter! But scientists say that a small amount of extra warmth can have a big effect on Earth’s climate. It can cause changes in weather patterns and ocean currents.

Climate change is already affecting living things in many parts of the world. It’s causing changes in where plants and animals can live and how they interact with one another. For example, warmer temperatures have caused some plants to bloom earlier in the spring. This can disrupt the timing of interactions between plants and insects, such as bees collecting nectar from flowers.

It’s also causing changes to large-scale systems that shape entire ecosystems. For example, warming waters may be causing fish to move to cooler waters or die off. Warmer temperatures can also lead to more frequent droughts and forest fires, which can affect water supplies, animal habitats, and agricultural productivity.

Since the industrial revolution, humans have been pouring carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at an increasing rate. Most of that CO2 is coming from burning fossil fuels, like coal, oil and natural gas, which releases CO2 as a by-product.

Global Carbon Dioxide Levels Are Reaching Record Highs

The world is more polluted than it’s ever been. Carbon dioxide levels are reaching record highs and we’re struggling to cope with increased emissions caused by changing weather patterns and human activity. Is there a solution? There is, and it’s not that difficult.

The fight against pollution is an ongoing battle for the future of our planet. Fortunately, there are steps you can take in your own life to help combat this problem, whether at home or at work. Here’s how:

  • Drive less often
  • Shop local produce instead of imported produce from other countries
  • Recycle as much as possible (paper, glass bottles & cans…) and compost leftover food scraps
  • Use reusable bags when grocery shopping or picking up items from any store that sells plastic bags like Walmart or Target!
  • Turn off lights when they aren’t needed – even if it only saves a little bit of energy each day, every bit counts toward saving our environment!
  • Don’t litter – throw away trash properly so animals don’t eat it or get sick from eating their habitat which has been contaminated with human waste products like plastics, cigarettes etc…

We can easily reduce our carbon footprint by making small changes in our daily lives. It’s important to remember that these seemingly small changes will have a huge impact in the long run.

Winter Temperatures Are Rising Faster Than Summer Temperatures

It’s a strange thing that happens every winter. It seems the temperatures drop, and the snow piles up. But, winter temperatures are rising faster than summer temperatures.

On average, the rate of increase in winter temperatures is more than double that of summer temperatures.

To make this discovery, scientists analysed six different climate models and compared them to the observed temperature trends. The results were similar across all six models — the trend toward warmer winters and cooler summers is widespread.

Even so, science still has some learning to do about climate change and precipitation. While it’s easy to understand that greenhouse gases can cause the planet to warm up, it’s a little more difficult to see how they influence precipitation patterns.

We still don’t have a clear picture of how global warming will impact precipitation patterns at different latitudes, but here are some things we do know:

  • Heat energy makes water evaporate faster.
  • Warm air holds more moisture, so it takes less energy for water to evaporate from lakes or oceans into the atmosphere. This means there’s more moisture in the atmosphere — and thus more potential for precipitation.

The past few winters have been warm. There’s no question about that. But the thing is, winter temperatures have been rising faster than summer temperatures for the past century or so. In fact, since 1970, there has been a slight cooling trend in the summer but a warming trend in the winter.

Warmer Temperatures Can Increase The Spread Of Disease

Generally, when talking about warmer temperatures and disease, we think of things like invasive species or heat-related illnesses. But there is also a handful of diseases that are carried by ticks and mosquitoes which are rapidly spreading because of warming temperatures.

These are diseases like Lyme disease, Dengue fever and Zika. They’re all transmitted by either mosquitoes or ticks. All those diseases have been spreading globally for the past several decades. And it’s not just those three diseases, but other tick-borne diseases as well.

The Greenhouse Effect

The Earth’s atmosphere consists of a layer of gases such as nitrogen, oxygen and argon which are referred to as “greenhouse gases”. These gases act like glass panes in a greenhouse and trap heat that would otherwise escape back into space…read more

We’ve seen their geographic ranges shift. We’ve seen an increase in the number of people infected with these tick-borne illnesses. We’ve seen an increase in the number of cases reported to our public health surveillance systems. We know that there is an upward trend in both the number of people who are infected and increasingly where they occur.

The first reason is that warmer temperatures are creating a longer season for these vectors to be active, so we have more time for them to find humans and bite us. The second reason is that warmer temperatures allow these vectors to survive in areas where they couldn’t before because it was too cold for them to survive and reproduce.

It’s said that over the next several decades, we’ll see warmer temperatures and longer seasons, which will create more opportunities for us to be bitten by ticks and mosquitoes carrying these pathogens, and more opportunities for their populations to grow faster and larger than before.

Climate Change Is A Real Issue That Will Only Get Worse Without Action

Climate change is a scientific measure of global warming driven by greenhouse gas emissions. These gases trap heat inside our atmosphere, warming average global temperatures. While greenhouse gas emissions are necessary for human life, we need to ensure they are in balance with Earth’s other systems.

A warming planet has serious consequences for people and wildlife, including extreme weather events like floods, droughts, and wildfires; sea-level rise; and the spread of infectious diseases.

Climate change is caused by human activities that release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the air. The single biggest source of these emissions is the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas to produce electricity, heat buildings or power vehicles.

Other activities that add to these emissions include industrial processes like making cement, steel, and other products; agriculture such as raising livestock; deforestation; and land-use changes.

The effects of climate change are already visible in many parts of the world. Sea levels are rising, extreme weather events are becoming more common, and glaciers are melting at unprecedented rates.

We have already seen how climate change can lead to increased hunger and drought as well as conflict over resources like food and water. Climate change threatens our health by impacting air quality and increasing diseases spread by insects, food, and water sources.

Without action on climate change now, we risk being unprepared for the impacts that will affect us in the coming decades and beyond.

We Need To Find Ways To Curb Our Release Of CO2 Into Our Atmosphere

The carbon dioxide level in our atmosphere is at an all-time high and has been steadily rising over the past 50 years. Let’s face it: CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation are a big part of the problem.

As individuals we need to do something about it — for our own sake, for mankind’s future on this planet — whatever the reason, we need to find ways to curb our release of CO2 into our atmosphere.

Avoiding Fossil Fuels

They’ve powered the Industrial Revolution and enabled us to harness the power of electricity. They are non-renewable resources in that they cannot be replaced within a human lifetime….read more

CO2 emissions contribute to global warming and climate change through the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide and other gases such as methane absorb heat from the sun before it escapes back into space.

This heats up the atmosphere, leading to global warming, which in turn causes climate change. Because of this, global surface temperature has increased by one degree Fahrenheit since 1900. That doesn’t sound like much but think about how even a few degrees can affect your comfort level inside your home. The effect is similar on the Earth’s surface.

Global warming also affects weather patterns and sea levels, leading to more extreme weather events like tornadoes and hurricanes; droughts and floods; ocean acidification; and water shortages.

This Is A Problem For All Of Us And I Hope It Will Be Solved Soon

Whether you’re an average citizen or a scientist, you’ve probably heard about the problem of climate change. If you haven’t been paying attention, I highly recommend that you do. We are facing a problem that affects all of us and there needs to be solutions in place to solve this problem.

The problem of climate change cannot be ignored anymore.

Scientists have been studying climate change for years. They have provided evidence to support their claims.

The fact of the matter is that the earth’s climate is changing. The changes are not happening overnight, but over hundreds and thousands of years. The problem with this is that we are seeing a change in the earth’s temperature. This can affect our food supply, water supply, and many other aspects of our lives. There has never been a more important time to act on this issue than now.

The first step toward solving this problem is to educate yourself about what it means. Once you know what it means, you can look for solutions to help solve the problem.

The next step is to make sure that you are doing your part to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment by using less energy and producing less waste when possible.

It’s up to you as an individual to help reduce your impact on the environment by reducing your consumption of energy resources and by recycling whenever possible. One way you can do this is by turning off lights when you aren’t using them or turning off electronics when they aren’t being used instead of leaving them on standby mode all day long.

It’s overwhelming to hear about how much we’ve been doing to our planet. But while we’re more aware of this problem than ever, there are also more individuals, corporations and political leaders working to fight global climate change.

We’re at a turning point with climate change, and the way it’s handled over the next decade is going to mean the difference between catastrophe and recovery.

So, let’s do everything we can—from recycling more to buying energy-efficient appliances to urging our officials to prioritise green policies. We can make this planet healthy again, but it’s up to us to decide what kind of legacy we leave behind.

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